понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

bill hanna quartet

I need everyoneapos;s thoughts and prayers for B. She had a "spell" at school in Brantford. The nurse said she "wilted" against the elevator door and slumped to the ground. When she got up she was favouring her right side. She seemed ok they said, but 5 minutes later the left side of her face started to twitch intermittently. It slowed after 5 minutes, and they said she seemed ok afterward, but....

dewey beach rental homes, bill hanna quartet, bill hanna jazz, bill hanna and joe barbera, bill hanna.

axe i married murderer so

reading:�the rough draft of a short story
watching: the beautiful gray autumn sky out the window
eating: N/A
drinking: N/A

So Iapos;m sitting in school right now finishing up my short story for writerapos;s craft and waiting for class to begin. Not to mention wanting to stand up and dance. Crazy business. I�have a sneaky suspicion that this is going to be a long day. Ah well, I�can handle it I�think.
On a side note, Iapos;ll be in Oshawa this weekend. Not that it matters at all really. I�really donapos;t have much to say today I�guess. Just thought Iapos;d update for the hell of it. You know, just to make sure I�donapos;t forget and disappear for months again, heh.

I hope everyone is at least attempting to have a good Monday. I�know itapos;s difficult at times. I�personally hate normal Mondays, but honestly I�donapos;t think Iapos;m alone on that one.

I�also want to say thank you to a friend who helped me iron out all the colours for my commission. THANKS,�DAVE

Also, I wonapos;t be showcasing any yiffy art in this post. Iapos;m at school, canapos;t really do that. I�think you might be able to sympathize. :P

block patriotic quilt, axe i married murderer so, axe i married murderer quote so, axe i married murderer poem so, axe i married murderer.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

best sofia vergara video

Hari ini gw kirim paket ke batam... Kata orang tiki nya baru nyampe paling lambat 2 hari...
waduh...2� hari??? keburu basi dong...soalnya itu makanan kuatnya cuman nyampe tanggal 23
lebih dari itu lewat....
kirim ke batam kok mahal y?? apa kuenya yg berat?? kkkkkk
harga dua kue sama harga kirimnya sama kkkkk
y tapi gpp sih, g tiap hari ini.......

katanya si whilli mo kekantor, tapi nyampe jam segini blm ada... Biarin aja ah
yg perlu kan dia....sukur2 klo g jadi.......males banget mo ketemunya juga

aduh gw kangen banget nih ma Nyomnyom....lagian nyom2 juga ketawa2 sendiri terus
gw jadi takut....... Kkkkkkkkkkk
ah yg pasti klo ma nyomnyom gw kangen teruuuuuuuuuuuus
kenapa y?? pake pelet apaan sih Nyom?? pake minyak Nyong2 y???


-luv u-

fry grease, best sofia vergara video, best sofas, best sofabeds, best sofabed.

aquarius midi

�Back where I�am from, in Connecticut, sterotypes are seen everyday. By coming to school in Virginia, when I have told people in my hall that I�am from Connecticut they said that they heard that people from there are snobby and stuck up, which I like to believe is only a stereotype. I am fortunate enough to come from an affluent community, which is often only recognized as the town where Martha Stuart and Paul Newman lived and a bunch of rich busniess men and a nice beach. Though this may be true about the majority of the town, I also believe that genuine people come from this community. In my high schoWhen I�took classes at FIT�(Fashion Institute of Technology) in New York City for a summer, I�got the same Connecticut stereotype. A lot of the girls in my classes had sterotypes set out about what I was going to be like because I am from Connecticut. I must say that yes, my environment has shaped me, and yes I am fortunate enought to live in a nice community and have parents who have provided more than I deserve, but I feel as though people who stereotype me as a snob and stuck up are wrong. I like to prove those people wrong because it does bother me. Its really annoying to me that people feel that I am not grateful or stuck up because of where I�am from and the things I own because that is not the way I act at all. I am also sterotyped by the type of car I�drive and the other material objects I have, that many dont feel is necessary at such a young age. I�understand where they come from, but I am also so grateful for what my parents have bought for me. I�like to prove people wrong, with my not snobbish attitude and being genuine,
When I�came to Virginia I had a stereotype in my head that everybody from Virginia was going to be really southern and really different. I�found my stereotype to be wrong. Many people are different, but it was not what I�had imagined at all.

dodgeram trucks, aquarius midi, aquarius miss, aquarius mission, aquarius month.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

de foto seres vivos

** What happens when my mannerism your average prissy fashion mall girls meet one on two? Well...
- It was at the food court of the mall in Lancaster. Today was rather crowded down there, I guess it normally is around dinner time? I dunno.. But not many tables were open. Iapos;m chowing down on my Szechuan Tofu. Two trendy image standard girls are looking around for seats finally asks me "do you mind if we sit here. (my table had like 6 seats I was the only one at it.)
After just washing a big fork full of veggies down my throat with soda, all I can respond is: "BURRRRRRRRRP". As a little bit of Szechuan sauce is dripping from my chin.
They walked away laughing. Ah well... I didnapos;t feel much like company anyways.

- Iapos;m kinda embarrassed to even mention this. But today in a music store, I heard a song playing there called "I donapos;t wanna die (in a hospital)" when asking who it was (because itapos;s a pretty catchy rockin tune, if I do say so myself). I was told that it was by Conor Oberst.
Now you emo/indie douchebags are probably snickering right now. But I swear, I didnapos;t know who the hell that was. Itapos;s fuckin Bright Eyes, under his real name. Foolishly I got the CD, not suprising that was the best song on it.
And if you tell anyone, I will fucking XjockX you
Geez... That story lyKe toTTallY maKes Me SoUnD lYkE a tEEnY BoPPer

** There was a big fire tonight a block down from me. When I went out to see what was going on, there was LOTS of smoke also flames shooting outta rooftops. Then, it was said to be 3-4 row houses. But gradually the fire spread to something like 5 or 6. Hell, it started around 9:30pm or so, itapos;s past 11:30 now it might still be going on (or possibly just getting over). One person had a heart attack, a few people were burned, ambulances coming going, something like 8 fire engines.
It was a crazy sight

** Theres more I wanna write about. But Iapos;m gonna hold off for now. Good things, bad things, stuff I donapos;t know what to think about. And plenty of chaos

Live Journal... Youapos;re cool all. But I sorta have a hot steamy love affair going with myspace. So thats why I havenapos;t given you as much attention lately. I hope youapos;re not mad.

Oooook.... That my friends is all ya get
de foto seres vivos, de foto serena williams, de foto senos, de foto senoras.

brighthouse fl

i went out last night and drank. About 4 shots worth maybe five. Right now im on hour 56 of my fast. Yes i drank last night after not eating for 2 days. Its 545 in the morning and i just woke up and started throwing up. All i threw up was pretyt much stomach acid and it burned like a bitch. Im shaking uncontrollably and i feel like im in antarctica. Im freezing.

i really donapos;t want to eat and the thought actually makes me feel queezy. I just ate a flinstone vitamin hoping it will help but it just made me feel so nauseas.

is this normal?? help some PLEASE
brighthouse fl, brighthouse florida, brighthouse florida cable, brighthouse florida network.

come upon unexpectedly

Also this icon is hilarious to me but would more properly reflect the situation if the roles were reversed.

I probably need a longer write up on how Mazoku work someday but for the purposes of this poll, which I should have done when I got in, all you need to know is that Xellos literally feeds on other peopleapos;s misery. This means that WHOEVER YOU ARE, even when heapos;s being nice to you or youapos;re maybe kindred spirits, heapos;s still looking for something that will make you unhappy/uncomfortable/cry/angry/freak out/etc. And when he finds it, he will poke it.

It is very highly likely that Xellos will harass or bother you in some way in the course of any thread you have with him. Ever. However, I am taking it as a given that people still want to thread with him because I mean... ...thatapos;s what heapos;s here for

BUT, what I want people to do is to comment here if you are not okay with threading with a guy whoapos;s probably out to get your charas. Like if this will not be fun for you, please let me know so I can avoid tagging those charas with Xellos.

If youapos;re okay with mild harassment but want to inform me preemptively of any big things I should avoid, you can comment here too o/. I will usually check if I notice heapos;s about to step into the territory of getting too personal with the misery-making but I may not always notice.

REMEMBER, donapos;t let me make you miserable, let Xellos make your charas miserable.
come upon unexpectedly, come upon, come up with idea, come up with band names.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dyer stickney

Governments has solved the age old dilemma of the alchemists. In order to turn lead into gold, just add blood.

Alex Jones show had on one of my favorite people on the show on Tuesday, October 14th - Michael Tsarion. Then on Wednesday, Peter Joesph the maker of Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum was the featured guest.

Fear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking it.

"Debates are infantile, discussion is what we need."
- Peter Joseph

consulate general of argentina chicago, dyer stickney, dyer stadium, dyer skye, dyer site myspace.com.

fort morgan al condos

Time to share some blisteringly heavy Nevermore, cause iapos;m that kind of neverhead. This is Born (The retribution of spiritual sickness), first track from This Godless Endeavor. Itapos;s only really cut in small areas for the video, so the insanity of talent is still intact. Jeff loomis (guitarist) is fucking sick And Warrel (vocalist) is fucking Warrel.


And now Final Product, second track from the same album becuase it pleased me to do so. Jeff Loomis once again handles the main lead section in all its technical glory, and Steve Smyth handles the intro and outro leads. Sweet.

fort morgan al condos, fort morgan al hotel, fort morgan al hotels, fort morgan al rental.